Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Congratulations, Caity!

Congratulations to the Shanafelt family on their acquisition of Charm's Choice!

This expressive youngster is no stranger to the winner's circle in the Pleasure divisions up and down the East Coast. We are pleased to have him in our program and welcome "Junior!" Thank you to former owner Erika Faulkner and former trainer Rob Turner and L.M. Turner Stable for their assistance in the sale.
New owner: Caity Shanafelt
Proud Family: Mr & Mrs Tab Shanafelt and Mr & Mrs William Fraad, Greenwich, CT

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Deep Freeze!

It's been a couple days of preparation, unhooking hoses, checking windows for seals and drafts, giving extra hay and making sure everyone has fresh running open water and so far so good! Our barn has not dipped inside below 35 degrees which is wonderful and the horses' exercise and work can continue business as usual. A routine is important with horses and keeping a regular turnout, feeding and work schedule is your best friend during crazy weather fluctuations.

The worst business has been outside. We got a couple hours of rain on Tuesday night that flash froze later in the evening and left a glaze on everything out doors. Everyone is watching their step & it looks like that won't melt anytime soon.

I learned that I fumble unloading grain sacks with winter gloves on- is it just me? Am I the only one who can't get the usual grip and positioning to get the job done? Is this a phenomenon? Probably just me and a habit. In the end I ditched the gloves and had it unloaded in half the time. Think of those August days where we hear "Ugh it's so humid! It's too hot to ride!" haha

Have a great day. Stay warm.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's Ladies Night!

"If you hear any noise, it ain't the boys
It's a Ladies Night!"

Happy Instructors grateful for their hot chocolate! !?!

"Oh yes it's ladies night, and the feeling's right" Go Wendell!
"Oh what a night!" Erika and Bobette compare notes on wonderful Willy
"You can fulfill all your dreams" I think this thumbs up is for no stirrups!
"Steppin out on Ladies Night"
"Come on you Disco Laaaady" Best of Friends Kim, Erika and Willy

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year, welcome 2009!

Whew- it's been a whirlwind the past couple weeks with a lot to catch up on. Our 2008 barn Christmas party was loads of fun- with a Yankee Swap

peals of laughter as we played Nicholas' favorite game: Kick The Broom (James, you definately won!),

a warm fire, the annual DVD slide show (trying to figure a way to upload that here-would love suggestions), and yum-O eats on the new portable Weber gas grill- thank you so much that was a wonderful surprise! "Santa" brought Nicholas a new grill, a new bicycle for me, and Sam a John Deere Gator just in his size. How's that for a trifecta?
It was a fun fun night and a pleasure to see everyone.

With this cold the horses are definately needing their layers and I always like to praise a product when I can- especially one that's durable, practical, and well priced. JP's North in Greenville, NY sells a 1200 Denier nylon/med weight poly fill turnout blankets priced at 2 for $125. They have cushion at the withers, leg straps, heavy front and surcingle buckle hardware and are waterproof. Similarly priced at other places for $100 and up for one alone. I can always get at least 2 seasons out of these blankets under heavy use and the worst of conditions, leak proof- I love them. Check em out at

Here our old friend Spirit models his JP's North blanket on his third season in it.

The bad news of 2009 is that Penn National Horse Show dropped all American Saddlebred divisions. When the call sounded to rally around it we did- and enjoyed doing so GREATLY and we're extra sad that it's going to be gone. If you're reading this, please consider showing this year at Devon- as valuable an experience as Penn National was, Devon is all of that and then some and needs your support as well. Please come and fill the classes I guarantee you'll be glad you did.

Ladies Night is in a week! See you on January 8th, I have only about 4 slots remaining we'd love to see you.

We wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! We hope you meet a wonderful 2009 that sees you safely and successfully meeting your goals in your equestrian pursuits. It's this time of year we ask our riders to examine goals. January is time to sit down and think- map out what your aim is for the year-bounce it off of your trainer/instructor- take what did work last year and build on it or try something new- the choice is yours. Carpe Diem!

Happy New Year!